Privacy Policy


We strive for better data protection in Placard, and by using our service (both this site and the app), you agree to the following privacy policy. Please note that the privacy policy can change in the future, and we request the users to also be updated in our privacy policy. The following policy applies to those who are in use of our service, Placard.

Types of Data Collected

During the use of our service, we may ask for personal information that can be used to identify you. Personal information that is collected includes:

Other data such as speech duration, vote results, and more that relates to the statistics of the conference will be stored locally in the host’s device, and can be transferred temporarily to the other members of the conference in the duration of when the conference is live.

Use of Data Collected

The reasons for the collection of such data listed above includes:

Storage of the Data Collected

Our service will not store any of the information given by the user any longer than a few hours after the user finished their conference session. Storage of conference information will be done locally in the user’s computer. Email address and purchase information will be handled and stored by the following companies auth0 (to manage accounts) and stripe (to manage payments). Make sure to check and agree with the privacy policy and terms of service of auth0 and stripe.

Transfer of Personal Information

As sensitive information such as your email address, passwords, and purchase information is processed by well-known service providers, Auth0 and Stripe, your data may be sent to locations outside of your state/region/country. Again, make sure you agree to the policies of Auth0 and Stripe, and also agree to the transfer of your data to their servers.

During the conference, chairs may use one of the functionality to view chat history of the users in, and only in their conference. The decision to use this function is with the discretion of chairs, and Placard bears no responsibility to any issues arising from the use of this feature.

Deletion of Personal Information

You have the full right to delete your personal information that is used during the use of the software. Deletion of personal information that was transferred to Auth0 and Stripe will follow their privacy policy.

Law Enforcement

Under certain circumstances, we may have to disclose your personal information if required by the law or to respond to valid requests by the public authorities.

Security of Your Personal Data

The security of your personal data is important to us, but please remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. If you do visit other websites, we recommend you to also check their privacy policies to ensure your security.

It is also noted that we do not take any responsibility to any privacy issues that occured in third party sites and apps.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us through